When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary
Imagine Moses, holding an unassuming staff in his hands. To an outsider, it might have appeared like a mere piece of wood. But, as directed by God, Moses raised it and the seas parted, revealing a path of salvation.
Our modern-day "staff"? The KVMV Broadcast Tower.
Just like that staff, the tower, in essence, is a simple structure — metal and wires reaching out to the sky. Yet, when used for its purpose, it becomes a beacon of hope, broadcasting the good news of Jesus to countless souls.

The Tower's Tale of Resilience
Erected in 1987, our beloved KVMV tower has faced many challenges. Standing tall at nearly 1,200 feet, its exterior bore the brunt of salty sea winds, withering its paint and corroding its metal. Its maintenance? Nothing short of Herculean.
Despite its hardships and a typical lifespan of 20 years for such structures, the KVMV tower, through God's grace, has stood for nearly four decades, continuously spreading the gospel.
Time for Renewal
The time has come to look ahead. To ensure that the beacon continues to shine and the message of hope remains unbroken, we must raise a new tower.
This is our moment. Just as Moses raised his staff, we now have the mission to lift a new beacon to the heavens.